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My Time at Salford

My time at the University of Salford has been a rollercoaster, however, has been key in helping me achieve a career in HR. As an individual and academically I have grown into a confident, mature women who feels ready to take on the ‘real world’. As I had never studied any business-related topics prior to my degree in Marketing, I was thrown into the deep end, yet with my proactive and enthusiastic approach, I feel like I have achieved so much.

First Year

The first year of my degree emersed me into Marketing, covering a range of topics such as Human Resource Management, Accounting and Digital Marketing. I was enthusiastic to learn and enjoyed being taught topics which I have never heard about before. Although Maths is not my strongest subject, by the end of my accounting module I felt confident in completing end of year financial reports and accounting formulas. The lecturers and seminar leaders made me feel valued and guided me throughout the semester, helping me achieve a First in the year. First year developed my foundation of business knowledge, such as McCarthy’s 4P’s and AIDA, theories which I have continued to use throughout my degree. It is also the year of putting yourself outside of your comfort zone, living in a new city and meeting new friends. Luckily, I settled in to living in Manchester, and made friends for life. 

Second Year

Second year was unlike any year I could have imagined, a global pandemic hit, and the UK went into lockdown. As a result, university was predominantly online, with lectures and seminars being delivered via video calls meaning I had to take a proactive approach. Quality of teaching remained at a good level, with our modules covering topics such as International Marketing and Consumer Behaviour. Despite there being no face-to-face interactions, seminar sessions felt inclusive and supportive, allowing me to go on and achieve a First in the year. After what felt like a lifetime of zoom quizzes and online classes, light at the end of the tunnel started to appear and university returned to how we love and know it. 

Third Year

Third year has felt like a shock to the system. After months of online studying, we were finally able to return to campus, and reunite with our teachers and friends. My current modules are Search and Social Media, Market Research and Ethics and Sustainability. Level 6 has been a jump in teaching, with module leaders giving us more freedom to find our feet with our assignments. I felt ambitious to receive good grades in my modules therefore maintained regular communication with module leaders. This has prepared me for the work world, teaching me to use my own initiative and trust my instincts when facing a struggle. I feel enthusiastic about the rest of my degree and look forward to applying my knowledge into a career in HR.

My Time at Salford: Text
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